One Focus
Luke 10: 2
weeks ago, I began preaching about One Focus.
I shared this story about Starbucks, but I share it again, because it
captures in my mind exactly what we are trying to do with One Focus.
January 2008, Howard Schultz became the CEO of the Starbucks Coffee Company for
the second time. Schultz was the
entrepreneur who started Starbucks, but he stepped aside in 2000 to grow the
company into new markets. From 2000 –
2008, Starbucks thought they could grow their business and their profits by
opening new stores all over the country.
(There was even a time when it was a common joke to talk about a
Starbucks on every street corner or new Starbucks opening up across the street
from another Starbucks.)
Starbucks’ plan for growth did not work.
By 2007, they had over 9,000 stores in the United States. But, they were losing customers, and their
stock values had plummeted 42%. That is
when Schultz became CEO for the second time.
Schultz’ first month as the returning CEO, he made a couple of bold moves. First, he closed approximately 1,900
Starbucks stores. This was a difficult
move, but it was not unheard of in the business world and nothing like what he
did next. His second move was to find a
way to retrain every Starbucks employee.
The only way to do this was to close every Starbucks location for three
hours of training.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 7,100 Starbucks stores closed to retrain their
employees. In their pursuit of growth,
they had lost sight of their purpose. Their
employees did not know how to make a proper shot of espresso.[1]
had learned the hard way that by focusing on reaching the masses they had lost
their focus on the one. For Starbucks,
the only way to fulfill their mission was to focus on one perfect shot of
espresso for one customer at a time. For
a church, the only way to fulfill our mission is to focus on making a
difference in the life of one person at a time…
Helping one hurting person…
Meeting the physical needs of one needy person… Providing spiritual nourishment for one
person who has not heard God’s Good News of salvation…
may never reach the masses, but we can reach one. And this is God’s plan… One Christian reaching out to one other
One Focus
is what we are trying to do with One Focus.
We are not asking you to reach the world. We want you to help us reach one person.
Focus is an effort to make evangelism and outreach a part of your everyday
life. We are not sending you out to
knock on doors and share the Gospel with strangers. Instead, we want you to pay attention to the
people you already know. Surely there is
one person in your life who is either not a Christian or at least not
affiliated with another church.
are not asking you to become confrontational with every new person you
meet. “Hello. My name is Andy. If you died right now, would you spend
eternity in Heaven or Hell?” Instead, we
are asking you to show the Love of Jesus to people you already know. Invest in them as a true friend and show Love
by serving their needs. Be genuine. You can’t fake Love and concern for others.
are not asking you to stand on the street corner with a Bible in one hand and a
bull horn in the other hand preaching, “The end is coming.” Instead, we want you to preach the Gospel in
your actions. Let your Love for others
open up an opportunity to tell your friends how Jesus has changed your life.
how do you answer that question? What
has Jesus done for you?
basic answer is found in John 3: 16, “For God so loved the world that he gave
his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life (NIV).”
is an expression of God’s Love for the world.
God loves the world so much that God took the initiative to rescue the
separates us from God. There are two
ways we can talk about sin. On one hand,
we can talk about sins—the specific actions we commit which are contrary to God’s
will. On the other hand, we can talk
about sin—the fallen condition of human life.
sins separate us from God. Our best
efforts miss the mark and fall short of God’s perfection. Sometimes, we stray from the path God wants
us to follow. Other times, we actively
and intentionally rebel against God’s instructions.
the same time, we find ourselves living in a fallen and imperfect world. All of life is affected by sin. We experience a broken relationship with God,
a broken relationship with humanity, and a broken relationship with creation.
cannot fix our sin problem. Therefore,
God sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to solve our sin problem. Jesus went to the cross to give his life as a
voluntary sacrifice. Jesus’ sacrifice
makes atonement for all our sins and our sinful condition. This is offered to all people (the world),
but it is only applied to those who have faith in Jesus. (As John 3: 16 says, “whoever believes in him…”)
knew this was his role to play in God’s plan of salvation. He lived a perfect life as our example. He served the needs of all people—male and
female; slave and free; Jew and Gentile.
Then, Jesus sent out his followers to tell the world who he is…
Luke 10: 2... "(Jesus) told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.""
knew who he was and what he had been called to do. Jesus taught his disciples about the Kingdom
of God and predicted his sacrificial death.
Then, Jesus sent out seventy-two disciples to go out as his witnesses in
the world. I want you to notice three
things about this Scripture.
when Jesus looked out in the world he saw a world filled with unbelievers. We can probably say the same thing today. We look out and see a world without
Jesus. People are so concerned with
making more money that they never stop to think about the most valuable things
in life. People take a hostile stance
against the Gospel, because they think the Christian faith is narrow minded and
old fashioned—they never realize that God sent his Son as an expression of love
and desire to redeem all of humanity. It
is enough to make Christians feel discouraged and depressed. But, Jesus was not discouraged. Jesus saw the world as an opportunity to
spread God’s Love to people who had never heard. The world is a field which is ripe and ready
for harvesting. This is not a
problem. This is an opportunity.
Jesus challenged his disciples to pray.
I think Jesus is inviting us to share his opinion of the world as an
opportunity and not a problem. If God
loves the world (and all the people in the world), then just look at the
opportunity to show God’s Love! We need
to pray that the world will be receptive to hear and experience the Love of
God. And, we need to pray that God will
send someone to show God’s Love to the world.
I want you to notice the first thing Jesus says after telling his disciples to
pray. Jesus told us to pray that God
would send someone to the world. Then,
Jesus said, “Go! I am sending you…” As we pray for God to send someone, we need
to remember the way God often answers prayer.
As you pray for God to send someone…Get ready…You might be the person
God chooses to send. God may answer our
prayers by sending you and me.
Conclusion: Commitment
Wednesday of this past week, approximately 200 people gathered here in our
sanctuary to celebrate the life of Cindy Ramsey. Cindy was an inspiration to so many people in
our church and community. She modeled a
life of joy, peace and hope despite the physical problems she faced.
Cindy had her lung transplant in 2007, she gave me a copy of what she wanted us
to do for her funeral service. She
selected songs for the congregation to sing.
She selected special music and asked singers to sing at the
service. She selected two people (Aubrey
Knox and Patsy Parks) to give eulogies about Cindy’s life and faith. She even told me what she wanted me to
preach. She wanted me to preach an
evangelistic message about Jesus Christ, her Lord.
couple of years ago, Cindy asked me if she could give her testimony in our
Sunday morning worship service. And, one
Sunday, Cindy stood in this pulpit and told us how much she believed in the
power of prayer. While Cindy was waiting
for her lung transplant, she found comfort and hope in prayer. While Cindy was recovering in the hospital,
she cherished the prayers of her church.
Prayer gave her strength to face all her troubles and to know that God
would never leave her or forsake her.
is the reason our staff thought Cindy Ramsey was the perfect person to serve as
our One Focus prayer coordinator.
I asked Cindy to be our prayer coordinator, I started out by describing One
Focus. (We are going to ask all our
church members to focus on one person for the next year. We are going to ask them to pray for that one
person, to love that one person, to serve that one person, to share the Gospel
with that one person, and to invite that one person to church. We as a church are going to plan specific
events to share the Gospel with the people our church members invite to come to
church.) When I told Cindy this, her
immediate response was, “This is a great idea, but it will only work if our
church commits to pray.” Then, she
started giving me suggestions about praying verses of Scripture and making a
prayer list to put in the church newsletter and the Sunday morning bulletin and
in the Prayer Room. And, I knew I had my
prayer coordinator…
I finally asked Cindy to be our One Focus prayer coordinator, she said, “Let me
pray about it, and I’ll let you know before Thursday.”
two weeks later, we held a One Focus leadership meeting on a Sunday
evening. Cindy showed up with three
handouts telling us how to pray for One Focus and how to pray for people who do
not know Jesus. We have been printing
Cindy’s suggestions in the newsletter and the Sunday bulletin and I put a copy
in the Prayer Room. Then, Cindy caught
me off guard by asking if anyone had signed up for One Focus. I said, no.
Cindy said, “Then, I want to be the first person to turn in my signed
commitment card.”
you have an opportunity to sign a commitment card to be a part of One
Focus. (Ushers distribute cards to
everyone in the sanctuary.)
take a minute to fill out our correct contact information. Even if you do not commit to One Focus, this
will help us to update our information.
We have a hard time keeping current email addresses.
let’s look at the back of the card…
believe John 3: 16… “For God so loved the world
that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life.”
believe 2 Peter 3: 9… “The Lord is not slow in keeping his
promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting
anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
understand God wants me to be like Jesus… Ephesians
4: 12 – 13… “to prepare God’s people for
works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all
reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become
mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”
understand that God has sent us into the world…
Matthew 28: 19 – 20… “Therefore go and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
you believe this and want to participate in God’s mission to reach one person
in the next year, please sign your name and write the name of your one
person. (If you do not want to write
your one person’s name, write down their first name or their initials. Or, if you want to be a part of One Focus but
don’t know who your one person is write “Praying” in the blank.)
take a moment to make our commitment to be a part of One Focus. While the music plays, please come forward
and place your signed card here at the altar.
[1] Summarized from Howard Schultz, Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul (New
York: Rodale, 2011).