Sunday, October 07, 2012

One Focus Living

One Focus Living
2 Peter 3: 8 – 9

Perhaps you have read about this in the news…Today is “Pulpit Freedom Sunday.”  Approximately 1,400 pastors all across the United States have chosen to break the law today and preach political sermons.
According to a law passed in 1954, pastors cannot endorse political candidates.  If a pastor endorses a political candidate, his church can lose their tax-exempt status. 
An organization called The Alliance Defending Freedom is behind Pulpit Freedom Sunday.  They started this in 2008.  They encourage pastors to preach political messages, record those messages, and mail them to the IRS.  They hope that the IRS will file a lawsuit against one of those pastors / churches.  If so, The Alliance Defending Freedom has over 2,000 lawyers across the nation ready to take on the church’s case for free.
So far, this is expected to be the biggest Pulpit Freedom Sunday.  In 2008, 33 pastors preached political messages. The number grew in 2011 to over 500 pastors, and they expect 1,400 pastors to participate today.[1]
Some of the pastors who are participating in Pulpit Freedom Sunday are part of a contemporary movement which proposes that the idea of separation of church and state is a myth.  Perhaps they think there is not enough religion in American politics or not enough politics in American churches.
I am not participating in Pulpit Freedom Sunday for one basic reason.  I do not believe Jesus has called us to accomplish his mission through political means.  In fact, there was even a time in Jesus’ ministry when the crowds wanted Jesus to run for president.  (Technically, they tried to make him their earthly king.)  It was immediately following the miracle in which Jesus fed the 5,000 with the fish and the loaves.  The people tried to make Jesus their earthly ruler, and Jesus refused.
Since Jesus refused to allow himself to become their king, I believe Jesus is teaching us that we cannot accomplish his mission through politics.
I will not endorse a presidential candidate for this election, because I believe there is only one person who can change the world.  There is only one person who can redeem sinful humanity and recreate the world into the world God intends it to be.  Jesus of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God, who died on the cross, rose again and is returning to earth one day, is the only person who can change the world.
I believe that Christian citizens should be good citizens.  I believe we should exercise our right and freedom to vote in the presidential election.  I also believe we should vote according to Christian values—at least as far as our choices allow.  But, we are not called to change the world through politics.  We are called to change the world by showing the world who Jesus is…and by demonstrating the love of Jesus in every relationship of life.

Last Sunday I announced the beginning of a new initiative in our church—One Focus.  In some ways, this will be a new initiative for our church.  In other ways, there is nothing new about One Focus.  One Focus is as old as the Gospel itself…As old as John 3: 16.

John 3: 16  

16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

According to John 3: 16, God loved the world so much that he sent his only Son, Jesus. Jesus demonstrated the love of God in everything Jesus did in his earthly life.  Jesus reached out to religious people and to irreligious people.  Jesus met the needs of poor people and wealthy people.  Jesus taught the Kingdom of God to both men and women.  And, Jesus spent time with people who were considered unclean and unreachable by the Jewish religion.
Then, at the end of Jesus’ earthly life, Jesus sent us to continue his mission to change the world.  Our mission is to do the same thing Jesus modeled for us.  We are to demonstrate the love of God to all kinds of people.  We are not to discriminate against male or female, wealthy or poor, or even religious or irreligious.
Of course, if we accept the fact that Jesus sent us to continue the mission he started, we might question how long that mission applies.  Did Jesus set an expiration date for his mission to reach the world?  Not according to 2 Peter 3: 8 – 9!

2 Peter 3: 8 – 9.

8 "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

When we talk about the Gospel, we usually focus on the events surrounding the first Easter.  Jesus Christ voluntarily went to the cross to die a sacrificial death.  Then, Jesus rose from the grave on the third day.
Jesus’ death on the cross was the final sacrifice which fulfilled the entire sacrificial system of the Old Testament.  In the Old Testament, God gave his people a way to make atonement for their sins.  For some sins, they offered a dove as a sacrifice.  For other sins, they offered a sheep, a goat or even a bull.  Jesus’ voluntary sacrifice took the place of all those other sacrifices.  We no longer offer doves, sheep, goats or bulls, because Jesus has offered his own life as the final sacrifice for our sins.
Jesus’ resurrection demonstrates that God is doing something new.  Again, it is the fulfillment of the teachings of the Old Testament.  In the Old Testament, we read that God will bring about a resurrection for all of the righteous.  All who are faithful and righteous in God’s eyes will be raised to live eternally in the presence of God.  The resurrection of Jesus was not the end of God’s work.  It is the beginning, because it promises us a resurrection just like Jesus’ resurrection.
In other words, the resurrection of Jesus points toward the future.  It points toward a day when all who are faithful and righteous in God’s eyes will experience resurrection to live eternally in the presence of God.  That day will be the day when Jesus returns to earth.
When we read 2 Peter 3: 8 – 9, we can make some logical assumptions about why Peter wrote these words.  More than likely, Peter was addressing questions (or even doubts) about the Second Coming of Jesus.  Some people might have thought it had been too long since Jesus ascended into Heaven.  Perhaps they were beginning to doubt that Jesus would ever return.
Peter offers a reassuring answer to their questions and doubts.  It may seem like it has been a long time to us, but it doesn’t seem long to God.  In fact, Peter quotes from Psalm 90: 4 by saying a thousand years is like a day to the eternal God.  Also, Peter tells us what we think seems like a delay in the coming of Jesus is actually an expression of God’s Love and Grace.  Because God loves the WORLD, God is giving the WORLD an opportunity to hear the Gospel and to repent.
When we read John 3: 16 and 2 Peter 3: 8 – 9, we read about the universal Love of God.  God did not just love the Jews, the disciples or the Baptists.  God loved the WORLD.  God did not just love certain people from every nation.  God loved all the people of all the nations.  Therefore, God sent his Son, Jesus, as the way of salvation for all people.  There is only one plan of salvation—faith in Jesus as the crucified and risen Son of God.  This plan of salvation is for all nations and is offered to all the world.
How does God expect the world to hear about his plan of salvation?

Matthew 28: 16 – 20.

16 "Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”"

This is what we call the Great Commission.  It contains Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples before Jesus ascended into Heaven.  Jesus commissioned his disciples to continue the work he had begun.
I find it significant that Jesus specifically told his disciples to go to all nations.  Earlier in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus sent his disciples to the nation of Israel and specifically told them not to witness to either the Samaritans or the Gentiles.  Now that the crucifixion and resurrection have already taken place, the disciples’ mission changed.  Jesus sent them out to all the people of all the nations.  This includes us in two ways.  First, Jesus sent the disciples to share the Gospel with people like us.  Second, Jesus sends us with the same mission he gave his disciples…to continue the work Jesus began.
You have heard me preach from the Great Commission several times over the past six years.  And, you probably remember what I have said about the grammar.  Jesus’ instructions to his disciples contain one main verb—make disciples.  That one verb is modified by three participles—going, baptizing and teaching. 
Let’s think about that first participle, “going.”
Jesus never entertained the possibility that his disciples would stay where they were on that mountain.  None of his disciples lived on that mountain.  None of his disciples worked on that mountain.  None of his disciples went to school on that mountain.  They had to leave the mountain at some point…to go home, to go to work, to go to school.  We could say the same thing about church this morning.  None of you are going to stay at the church today.  At some point you are going to leave…to go home, to go to work, to go to school.

As You Go Lifestyle
Jesus didn’t have to tell his disciples to go.  He knew they would be going somewhere.  Therefore, Jesus’ Great Commission to his disciples and to us could be read, “As you go (or wherever you go) make disciples of all nations…”  As a result, Jesus has called us to live the “As You Go” lifestyle.
This is what we are asking you to do in One Focus.  We are asking you to do what Jesus commanded his disciples to do.  As you go (and wherever you go), demonstrate the Love of God.

Pray…  Ask God to show you someone who needs Jesus in their life.  Someone who either is not a Christian or is not affiliated with any church in our community.  Once God reveals that person to you, pray for them every day.  Pray that God would allow you to see them more frequently.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will begin to convict and convince them.  Convict them of their sins and convince them of their need for Jesus in their life.

Open your eyes…  The human brain is really good at filtering out unnecessary information.  This protects us from being overwhelmed and sometimes keeps us from being distracted.  One example of this is the way we typically tune out TV commercials until we are shopping for something—like a car.  Then, it seems like every commercial has something to do with cars.  The truth is we will always see what we are looking for.  If we look for sins in others to be judgmental, we will see them.  If we look for good characteristics of other people, we will see it in them.  The same thing is true about One Focus.  If you begin to pray that God will show you someone who needs Jesus, you will begin to notice people you already know.   In fact, I think your One Focus should be someone you already know and already have a relationship with.  Someone from your work, your school, your neighborhood, the parents of your children’s friends…  I don’t think you should be fake or try to manipulate someone by pretending to be their friend.  Open your eyes to the people already in your life.

Be a friend…  It has been said that the Gospel is supposed to be demonstrated more than it is to be preached.  And, the best way to demonstrate the Gospel is to be a true friend to someone.  A true friend is someone who accepts us the way we are, takes the time to listen, and is a source of encouragement.  Think about the kind of people you like to spend time with.  Do you prefer to be with someone who is judgmental and condescending toward you?  Or, do you prefer to be with someone who loves you just the way you are?  Do you prefer to spend time with someone who only talks about themselves?  Or, do you like to spend time with someone who will listen to your thoughts and concerns?  Do you prefer to spend time with someone who is always criticizing other people?  Or, do you prefer to spend time with someone who is an encourager?  The simplest way for you to be involved in One Focus is to be a true friend to one person…accept them, listen to them, be an encourager.

Love…  Another thing true friends do for each other is to put their love into action.  Sure, we can talk about love as an emotion or something you feel toward another person.  But, true love always acts by meeting the needs of other people.  True love does not seek to fulfill selfish desires.  True love places a priority on other people and their needs.  We demonstrate our feelings by acting on our feelings.  Loving others is more than liking them.  It is finding a way to meet their needs.  Paying for lunch…Taking food when someone is in the hospital… Giving a ride to someone whose car is in the shop…Writing a letter of encouragement or sending a text message to someone having a bad day…

Talk about Jesus…  If you are willing to demonstrate your love for someone by meeting their needs, don’t be surprised when they give you an opportunity to talk about Jesus.  They may ask you, “Why are you doing this for me?”  A good answer is, “I am a Christian, and Jesus taught us to love others as we love ourselves.”
If you serve as an encourager for someone going through a very difficult time in life, don’t be surprised when they give you an opportunity to talk about Jesus.  Someone may ask you, “How are you able to make it through difficult times in your life?”  A good answer is, “I am a Christian, and Jesus has promised to be with me always and to give me eternal life far better than anything we could ever experience in this life.”

On Sunday, October 21, we will give you an opportunity to commit to be a part of One Focus. We are not asking you to go knock on doors and witness to strangers.  We are not asking you to become confrontational by asking everyone you know, “Are you going to Hell?”  We are not asking you to take a Bible and a bullhorn to preach “The end is near” on the street corner.  We are asking you to live the "As You Go" lifestyle to make disciples wherever you go.
   We want you to find one person in your life who (as far as you know) is not a Christian or is not affiliated with any church.  We want you to pray for that person and to be a friend to them.  We want you to demonstrate the love of Jesus to them by serving their needs.  Then, we want you to invite them to come to church.  Our staff will plan specific events to present the Gospel to your friends.  If you will invite them to church, we will give them opportunities to hear and respond to the Gospel.
One Focus will only be successful if two things happen.  First, we need you to commit to be a part of One Focus.  There are people in your life no one else can reach.  Second, we must pray for God to work in the lives of other people.  We can present the Gospel and plant the seeds…But, God is the only One who can save.

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