God Is Love
1 John 4: 7 – 12.
do you have to be thankful for?
you have a long list of things you are thankful for. Family, friends, your job, living in the
United States of America, God’s work in your life to create you and provide for
all your needs, salvation, this church, the beauty of creation… But, how often do you stop to say, “Thank you”
to God for these blessings in your life?
ought to be the most thankful people in all the world. On one hand, we are so blessed. On the other hand, we recognize that all
these blessings come from God, and not from our own hard work.
about thanksgiving is a very difficult task.
A sermon on thanksgiving can be a very short sermon. I could stand up here and say, “You ought to
give thanks to God for all the blessings in your life.” Then, we could pray and go home. It’s a very simple sermon.
problem is that God has given us so much…so many blessings…that we often take
God’s blessings for granted. Sometimes, instead
of giving thanks to God, we try to take the credit for the good things in
life. Other times, we simply fail to
notice that God is blessing us with something we do not deserve.
sad example is the way we think of the Christian faith. At times we treat the Christian faith as if
it is a purely rational undertaking. We
think that in order to become a Christian, a person should acknowledge that God
exists and then give mental assent to a list of Christian propositions: God is the Creator of heaven and earth; God
sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross and rise again; God is Trinity—Father,
Son and Holy Spirit—and the Holy Spirit leads Christians individually and
corporately; all humans are sinners who must be saved through the crucifixion
and resurrection of Jesus…
this is not what the Christian faith is all about. The Christian faith is not about leading
people to a rational decision. The Christian
faith is about leading people to a relational faith. God is a person who has proven himself
trustworthy. God is inviting each of us
to be in a relationship with himself—person to person. The Gospel is a love story.
one will ever come to a true understanding of who God is without first
discovering that God loves you. No one
will ever develop a proper theological understanding of God, themselves or the
world we live in without first discovering that God loves you. No one will ever live a moral, Christian life
without first discovering that God loves you.
fact, I believe this is the starting point for sharing faith with other
people. We need to tell others, teach
others and demonstrate to others that God loves them.
is also the starting point for Thanks-Living—living a life of thanksgiving to
God. It begins by recognizing God loves
me…or, as we read in 1 John 4, “God is Love.”
John 4: 7 – 12… 7 Dear
friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves
has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever
does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This
is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son [fn2] into the world that we might live
through him. 10 This
is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an
atoning sacrifice for [fn3] our sins. 11 Dear
friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No
one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love
is made complete in us.
passage is one of the two most frequently used passages in the New Testament on
love. It helps us to define what love is
and therefore understand who God is.
began this passage by telling us that love must come from God. This is significant because it describes love
as coming from the divine sphere. LOVE
is not from the worldly sphere, rather it comes from God. Perfect love comes from above, not from
below…Therefore, any love that comes from below must be imperfect, corrupt…Or,
it must be based on the Love that comes from above.
in the next verse, John tells us that God himself is love…God doesn’t only give
love…God is love…Therefore, God has demonstrated Love to us by giving us
nothing short of himself.
is significant, because it teaches us a couple of things about the nature of
God. Since we understand Love as a
personal act, then God must be a person and must be concerned with
relationships as priority. If God is an
impersonal life force, we cannot describe God as loving. If God is a detached creator, who stepped
aside after creating the universe and setting everything in motion, then we
could not say God is Love…Because there would be no relationship between God
and his creation. The proper
understanding of God is that God is a personal creator who is intimately
involved in his creation through relationship.
is one way to describe love. If there is
no relationship, there is no way to express love. However, love must also be expressed. So…if God is love and God is a Person, how
does God express his love?
think I have already told you that my favorite definition of Love comes from a
book on personal evangelism by Oscar Thompson—Concentric Circles of Concern (Nashville: Broadman Press,
1981). In the book Thompson describes
evangelism moving across seven concentric circles—self, immediate family,
relatives, close friends, neighbors / business associates, acquaintances, and
person X. Christians do not jump from
self to person X without first being a witness to the other groups of people in
between. And the way we are supposed to
witness to each of these groups of people is through “Love.” Then, Thompson defines love as “meeting
needs.” In other words, if we love
someone, it will be expressed by actively meeting their needs…and sometimes
sacrificing our own needs to meet the needs of others.
How God Shows Love
1 John 4: 10, we see John’s definition of Love.
Notice that it does not say “this is God’s love.” Instead, this verse is a description of true
love or perfect love. Any love that
originates within us as humans, cannot be perfect love. Perfect love always originates with God. Perfect love can be described by three ideas
taken directly from verse 10:
1) Perfect love is expressed in action, not
is one place where the world has corrupted our understanding of Love. We can use Love in such a cavalier way that
we can say things like, “I love hamburgers.”
But perfect Love is always expressed in action. Jesus did not say, “Greater love has no one
than this that one have great affection for a friend.” Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than
this that one lay down his or her very life for their friends.”
2) Perfect love is expressed self-sacrificially.
the world has corrupted us in this area.
We are taught that love is a feeling that is based on the way someone
makes us feel about ourselves. The
world’s love is about receiving something enjoyable and / or fulfilling from
the object of our love. But, perfect
love has been revealed to us in the life and the death and the resurrection of
Jesus. When God took the initiative to act
on our behalf, he did so by making a personal sacrifice. Perfect love was not and is not based on how
the lover feels.
3) Perfect love
benefits other people.
was not enough that Jesus died. In order
for his self-sacrificial action to reveal perfect love, it had to benefit other
people. And it did! Jesus died on the cross to offer us
forgiveness for sin—the final sacrifice to replace all the Old Testament
sacrifices. Jesus died on the cross to
make us righteous—a righteousness we could not earn for ourselves. And, Jesus died on the cross to reconcile the
broken relationship between God and humanity—through Jesus, the relationship
between God and his creation can be restored.
In short, Jesus’ death on the cross demonstrates God’s love. It was an action. It was self-sacrifice. It was intended for our benefit—for salvation.
God Shows Love to Sinners
order to truly understand the nature of God, we first need to recognize that
God is Love. But, in order to be
thankful for God’s Love, we need to stop and think about the object of God’s
Love. God demonstrated his love through
the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
BUT, God did not demonstrate his love only to those who deserve to be
loved. In fact, God demonstrated his
love to people who did not deserve God’s Love, do not deserve God’s Love and
never will deserve God’s Love.
Apostle Paul describes how undeserving we are of God’s Love in several places
in the New Testament. One example is
Romans 5: 8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were
still sinners, Christ died for us.”
(Jesus didn’t die on the cross for the good people, the Christians, or
even the Baptists. Jesus died for
gets a little more specific in 1 Corinthians 6:
Corinthians 6: 9 – 11… 9 Do
you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be
deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male
prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves
nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the
kingdom of God. 11 And that is
what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were
justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Scripture is remarkable for several reasons.
First, this is one of three places where Paul specifically mentions
homosexual behavior as sin (Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, and 1 Timothy 1). Second, we have a tendency to read Paul’s
lists of sins and single out homosexual behavior and skip over the fact that
greed, lying, gossip and slander are also included side by side with homosexual
behavior. Paul includes all sinners and all
kinds of sins in his lists. Third, this
list represents a list of obvious sins.
Paul does not describe why these behaviors are sinful behaviors, because
he does not have to. It is self-evident
to anyone reading the list that these are sinful.
I were to venture a guess, none of us is guilty of committing all of these sins
at this moment of our lives. But, I
would also guess that every one of us is guilty of at least one of these
sins. Sexual immorality…idolatry…adultery…homosexual
behavior…stealing… greed…drunkenness…slander…swindling (cheating / deceiving)…
you can find yourself in Paul’s list of sins, then you are a sinner who does
not deserve to inherit the Kingdom of God.
BUT, Paul also tells us that these are exactly the kind of people that
God loves. These are the kinds of people
for whom Jesus died on the cross.
died on the cross to wash you of your sins.
He wants to forgive your past sins and give you a fresh new start…a new
died on the cross to justify you.
Justify is the verb form of righteous.
So, Jesus died to make you righteous—to place you in a right standing
and a right relationship with God.
died on the cross to sanctify you.
Sanctify is the verb form of the word “holy.” So, Jesus died to make you “holy.” Holy means to be “set apart.” In the Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple,
there were common utensils like forks and bowls and candle sticks that were “holy.” They were “set apart” from ordinary
instruments. They could not be used for
worldly purposes. They could only be
used for God’s purposes. In the same
way, Jesus died on the cross so that you and I could be set apart for God’s
purposes and not for the world’s purposes.
The Result of God’s Love
develops this idea of “sanctification” later in this same passage of
Scripture. He is writing to a church and
a culture that values freedom. In fact,
they value freedom so much that they insist on exercising their freedom in ways
that are contrary to God’s will. Paul
listed those expressions of freedom in his list of sins, and then focuses on
just one of those sins—sexual immorality.
Corinthians 6: 19 – 20… 19 Do you not
know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you
have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were
bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
than likely, the Corinthians believed that life could be divided into
compartments. There is a spiritual
compartment, an intellectual compartment and a physical compartment. As long as they kept their spiritual lives in
order, they didn’t think it mattered what they did with their minds and their
bodies. Paul says NO!
died on the cross as an expression of God’s Love. He died as a sacrifice for your sins. He died to reconcile your relationship with
God. AND, he died to purchase your
freedom from sin, death, wrath, Hell and Satan.
Therefore, your life no longer belongs to Satan, it no longer belongs to
the grave, and it no longer belongs to yourself. Jesus purchased your soul, your mind and your
your body belongs to yourself, then you get to determine how you will
live. If your body belongs to Satan, you
have to do what Satan wants you to do.
If your body belongs to Jesus, you will glorify God in all the things
you do. (You will not glorify yourself
or Satan! You have been set apart to
bring glory to God.)
best way I know to say this is to quote an old saying. “God loves you just the way you are. But, God loves you too much to leave you the
way you are.” God wants to wash away
your sins. God wants to place you in a
right relationship with himself. God
wants to set you apart from the sinful things of this world.
I do not believe the Bible ever tells us we
will reach a state of sinless perfection.
We will struggle with temptation, and we will commit sins. The sins we commit in our bodies are not
harmless sins. They affect our minds and
our souls / our spiritual relationship with God. But God loves us and continues to work on us…to
set us apart from the rest of the world.
Are you thankful for God’s Love? If you are, then you will begin by noticing
how great and how amazing God’s Love is.
Did you come to church this morning thinking, “Of
course God loves me…I am a good person?”
Or did you wake up and think, “Wow…I am a sinner who does not deserve
God’s Love…and God loves me anyway?”
We can take God’s Love as a gift. Or, we can take God’s Love for granted. Don’t take God’s Love for granted. Be thankful.
very humbling message of LOVE
very humbling message of LOVE
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